SendOff Venue Partners

SendOff partners with unique venues, big and small, located throughout the Twin Cities metro area and beyond. If you’re interested in hosting a SendOff at a venue that doesn’t appear on the list below, no problem! We’ll connect with your preferred location and work directly with them on the details.

Plan for a Future SendOff

Ever thought about what your final wishes would be? Do you want your friends and family to toast a gin and tonic to your favorite Bob Seger song while watching the sunset? We’re here to help your family carry out your SendOff plan, reducing the stress of the process and allowing them space to grieve.

It’s never too early to start planning your SendOff. Meet with our team today to discuss how you can go out with a bang!

Golfers, Cheers, Cremation (services), Funerals Funeral homes, Life celebrations, Celebration of life,  Burials Pre-planning, Funeral parties