What’s a Living SendOff?

Older woman with firework and lively gathering in the background

A Living SendOff isn’t much different from any other SendOff except for one small detail: YOU’RE in attendance!

It’s a unique privilege to spend time with those who mean the most to you all at once. A Living SendOff typically happens shortly after a person’s diagnosis with a terminal illness, or right before being placed into hospice. It provides an opportunity to reflect on the legacy you’ve created, say thank you to those you love, and experience a celebration of the life you lived and the impact you had on others.

We’ll help with all aspects of the event, including selecting the perfect venue, and then when the time comes, we’ll help carry out your wishes for burial or cremation arrangements.

If you’re interested in learning more about a living SendOff, call us now at (612) 236-0141 or complete our pre-planning form.